Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta

Well - here it is - the Tuesday AFTER Easter, and we are making Brussels sprouts as a side dish for our work night dinner.   Indeed, we are, perhaps, the rare couple as we both love these little morsels.  A conversation with my esthetician on the weekend combined with a quick internet search before work today resulted in finding this recipe for Brussels sprouts with pancetta.


The recipe offered a LOT of flavour.  I would definitely NOT add any salt, plus I would consider using a NO SALT broth or making your own.  The salt from the pancetta provided enough salt for the recipe.   In the future, I guess some variations would be to try bacon instead of pancetta, but pancetta just sounds that much classier.  (side note....you might want to cook extra as the pancetta is very easy for those who nibble while you cook....or who have others who nibble while you cook....or both).    I started off by cooking the sprouts whole and pan searing them whole.  Part way through searing them, I watched the video and it seemed like they were in half there.  I am still a bit confused as they are whole in the photo on the website.  I might try cutting them in half after blanching them just to get a more browned look on the flat, cut part....

Overall - we loved both the texture and the flavour.  The chicken broth adds a whole new flavour to one of our regular side dishes.  We usually just steam them.  I tried oven roasting them once and was given strict instructions not to do that again as the texture was too soft.   This recipe is simple, elegant, delicious and fairly nutritious.  I will be making this recipe next time we host a traditional family dinner just to see if we can convert anyone else to liking or even loving Brussels sprouts.  YUM!

Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta

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