Sunday, 14 June 2015

Watermelon Salad

I have heard people talking about watermelon and mint salads before, but I had never tried one let alone make one.  With all the watermelons in the supermarket combined with an invitation to a pot-luck bbq, I just knew I had to try a watermelon salad out on my friends.

This is the recipe that I chose to follow with one addition.  I had seen in another recipe that it is nice to drizzle a balsamic reduction on top just prior to serving it.  So, I brought a bottle of balsamic reduction along and allowed my friends to choose and provide feedback on the balsamic reduction.  Everyone seemed to like it better with the balsamic reduction.  (I used "Edible Gardens:  Garlic and Rosemary", although I think the "Edible Gardens: Fig and Fire" would have been amazing too.   The latter with anything is some if you see it and if you like a bit of heat!)

Wow!  Refreshing!  Tasty!  Delicious!  were some of the comments.  There is a great combination of sweet and salty with the watermelon and the feta cheese.  The addition of mint adds yet another dimension.  Then, once the red wine vinegar and balsamic reduction is added, magic happens!  The flavours just pop!  This is definitely a salad that you don't want to have leftovers with as it is not as great the next day.  Throughout the process, as salt is added to the recipe, one will notice a lot of water being released from the watermelon.  Just an observation, not good or bad, ...simply drain it.  I would bring this to a pot-luck again.  I can't see myself making it for dinner at home as it made a lot, and you don't need to eat a ton of it.  It would be best served along side other salads.  With summer just around the corner, keep this one in mind for one of your summer pot-luck events!

Watermelon Salad

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