I used the dough from my old recipe and used this link for the filling.
I will be making this recipe in December with my grade 9s and will possibly give them the choice of blueberry or raspberry. I am also thinking that I could freeze some fresh cranberries as the stores will be full of those for Christmas and it would make the sticky buns more festive! I do think that frozen fruit needs to be used and it has to be smaller, so blackberries and strawberries are out unless I cut them ahead of time and freeze them.
There is not much to say about this recipe except that it is easy to make, as far as sticky buns go, AND it is super, super, super delicious! One thing I did notice is that I am going to cut down on the amount of lemon zest by about half. When they were fresh out of the oven, they tasted great! However, I brought a sample home for my husband. Hours after they were made, they still tasted great, but the lemon was VERY overwhelming (which was not noticed from the fresh ones). At any rate, I am sure these will create a LOT more excitement in my school in December. As if December isn't crazy enough - ha! If you can't beat them, might as well join them!
Raspberry Sticky Buns
Blueberry Sticky Bun