Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary Roasted Grapes

I finally got to make this recipe!  When I started this blog, I was saving this recipe for the fall.  I have saved this for so long that I have forgotten where I found it...yikes!
Basically, you toss equal amount of red and green grapes and a WHOLE sliced red onion (I used half an onion and now regret it...) with olive oil, red wine vinegar, rosemary, salt pepper, and grape jelly or wine jelly.  This is the mixture in the first photo.  Then you coat a pork tenderloin in a mixture of grape jelly and grainy mustard.   Place this on top of the grape mixture.  Bake at 375 until the pork reaches 155 F.
The result - delicious!  Move over applesauce, I have found a new topping for pork....roasted grapes!  I was surprised that I resisted the urge to add garlic, my favorite spice, but the onion worked out just fine.  As mentioned, I only used half as I thought it was going to be too much and I wish I had used a whole one.  Everything was well balanced...including the sweet flavours of the roasted onion and grapes with the roasted pork and rosemary as well as the textures of the softer fruit and onion against the coarser meat...divine!
I served this with a Greek Salad as I was trying to use up some veggies, but I wouldn't do that again.  This dish needs a warm side dish.  I am not a huge mashed potato fan, but I felt that would be a nice compliment or some sort of pureed vegetable....squash, cauliflower?  I can see this making its way into our kitchen again.  I made this on a Monday night after work, so it can be done or it can get fancied up with better sides for a more elegant meal on a weekend.  It might even be on our Thanksgiving table one year as the debate is still on in our home....turkey or ham? Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!
Grape Mixture
Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary Roasted Grapes


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